Welcome to "The Journey"

Are you feeling drawn to participate more deeply in the Christian journey of faith?

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Our Affirmation of Welcome

Lakeridge Lutheran Church is a spiritual community that celebrates the gifts of God that empower us to engage in the struggles of life, to care for each other, and to serve Christ where we work and live. Lakeridge Lutheran is a Reconciling-in-Christ congregation. We welcome the participation of people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, educational backgrounds, and economic conditions–all who want to join in community to honor God and be of service to people.

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Words of Grace

Abundant Life

May God's grace make your life abundant! Jesus came to us so that we may have life. Now the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, is with us. May the Holy Spirit, who is our life, overflow within us! In John 10, God promises that Jesus will give us a good life. The word of God makes us enliven. Every day God's grace makes life more abundant in us. Jesus compares himself to a shepherd. It means that … continue reading...

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Lakeridge Blog


  Blessed are the agnostics. Blessed are they who doubt. Blessed are those who have nothing to offer. Blessed are the preschoolers who cut in line at communion. Blessed are the poor in spirit. You are of heaven and Jesus blesses you.  Blessed are those whom no one else notices. The kids … continue reading...

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